Mc Donald's Crisis

The painting named <McDonald's Crisis> was created by Wabyanko in 2013. Following his successful painting <Blessing Gangnam Style>, Wabyanko continues to put his effort into expressing himself towards  certain abnormal phenomena. After traveling different countries, Wabyanko found that McDonald was a remarkable fast-food restaurant worldwide in the manner of it's operating style and localised menu.

However, <McDonald's Crisis> shows us his great disappointment at the quality and the taste of French McDonald. Apart from its laid-back service, the distance between the HUGE burger in the advertisement
and the MINI burger in reality becomes surprisingly enormous. Sometimes we easily find those advertisements funny but annoying in terms of the misleading message it brings along. The publicity of the new specialty of McDonald's - "McBacon Burger" successfully seduces its fans in France, but also creates a lot of complaints due to its super stinginess of inserting micro bacon in its McBacon Burger. Those bacons in their micro size which are maximum 3 pieces can hardly be found in the hamburger as the main ingredients  are pretty much the big salades and the tomatos. So WHY doesn't McDonald's call this specialty "McSalade" or "McTomato" honestly instead of "McBacon"? We would not be so surprised if seeing Ronald Mcdonald searching a job in job market someday. Maybe McDonald's in France should have some self-examination: the competition and business profit are important yet a good reputation and long-last credibility are priceless!


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